Laboratoire Revitacare - 20 year anniversary

Founded in 2003, Revitacare is a pioneer French laboratory in Aesthetic Medicine and skin quality. Specialized in research, design, manufacture and distribution of hyaluronic acid based products dedicated to Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetics. "Beauty starts with skin quality", these are the words of our founder. For Laboratoire Revitacare, the quality of the skin is a fundamental pillar of natural beauty.

Laboratoire Revitacare was one of the first laboratories to make skin quality its main mission. For 20 years, Laboratoire Revitacare has been offering products designed to prevent and correct the visible signs of skin aging on the face, scalp and body, while respecting the authentic beauty of each individual.

Beauty starts with skin quality

Participations in worldwide congresses and private training events per year.
Products in our portfolio.
Countries where Laboratoire Revitacare is present.

Laboratoire Revitacare develops cross-linked and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid-based injectable Medical Devices for the face and scalp. Dedicated to Medical Doctors such as: General Practitioner, Aesthetic Doctor, Plastic Surgeon, Stomatologist, Dermatologist, etc. These Medical Devices are distributed both in France and Internationally through our global network of distribution partners.

Laboratoire Revitacare
Laboratoire Revitacare

Laboratoire Revitacare develops non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid-based Sterile Cosmetics for the face, neck, décolleté, body and scalp. Dedicated to Beauticians, Aesthetic Professionals, Medical Spa centers, ect. These C Line Sterile Cosmetics are distributed both in France and Internationally through our global network of distribution partners.

Laboratoire Revitacare developed CYTOCARE PARIS, the first hyaluronic acid cosmetic skincare range for face at home. Inspired by our professional formulas, the brand is distributed in France and Internationally through our global network of distribution partners; and then CYTOCARE PARIS is distributed by Medical Doctors and Beauty Professionals, including Beauty salons, Medical aesthetic clinics, and Medical Spa Centers.

Laboratoire Revitacare
Discover the Revitacare Academy

Revitacare Academy is an online platform specially created to share exclusive aesthetic and scientific content for doctors and beauticians.

Laboratoire Revitacare

Revitacare est un pionnier de la médecine esthétique anti-âge. Nos laboratoires ont mis sur le marché en Europe le premier dispositif médical injectable à visée esthétique contenant de l’acide hyaluronique et des vitamines. Revitacare a été fondé sur la vision que la beauté commence par la qualité de la peau et c’est cette devise qui nous anime et motive tous nos développements. Une de nos spécificités est que nous fabriquons des produits complexes à base d’acide hyaluronique, réticulé ou non, combiné à de nombreux autres ingrédients spécifiques, comme des vitamines, des acides aminés et des minéraux. Notre produit le plus complexe, le Cytocare 532, est composé d’acide hyaluronique et de 50 ingrédients. Un de nos points forts est notre investissement important en Recherche & Développement, ce qui nous permet de proposer des formules extrêmement efficaces et qui s’adaptent au plus grand nombre. 

Jim - Revitacare
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